About The Life and Times Afloat, and Ashore

The menu is at the top right, opposite the P&O flag. It comprises of several sections such as Wavelengths, About Ourselves, Fleet lists, Falklands war, etc. The Wavelength section comprises of some 240 copies of the magazine between 1971 and 2000. About Ourselves was the previous magazine. The fleet lists cover the late 50's, 60's and early 70's. There is also a copy of the Engineers seniority list for 1964 after the merger of P&O with Orient lines.

Each year we hold a Reunion Lunch in Southampton. To find out more, plus see pictures etc taken at the lunches then go to the Reunion Lunch pages. We also hold an annual P&O Golf day the day prior to the lunch. Information etc can also be found in the same section of this web site.

If anyone has any stories/tales they would like to share via the web site then please get in touch.


Derek Warmington, Retired HR Manager Fleet Personnel
P&O Pensioners